Sunday, December 30, 2001

Next Year
The change of a small number on a special day of the year does not seem too interesting for a magician. Alas, it is nevertheless, not because of the "event" but because a lot of energy is set free by millions and millions of people all over the world. Like a wave the energy surrounds the globe in about 24 hoursteps, braking the barriers of all the little selfimposed distractions that prevent us from grasping all new chances and opportunities.
For a few hours all people (well, the most) think about doing lots of things different from "now" on. Often enough, they do not really do it - does not matter for me. The energy is there, the gates are held open by the global spirit of hope, fear and expectations for the coming year. This is a powerful source for magic - and its free.

Tuesday, December 18, 2001

Magic has the purpose to change something. For the good of the mage mostly. Of course, because he has all the work with it and since magic works best when the motivation is strong, the greatest success comes when the mage has a personal interest in his result.
I made some changes the last few weeks. Some concerning just personal viewpoints and priorities. I stopped putting much energy into things where other people can't or don't want to meet my claim for quality. It leads to constant frustration that i am not willing to accept anymore.
Some changes i started affect my environment in a more direct manner. There are some trails i needed to set up or disconnect. Paths, that will have to exist (even if this means out of nowhere) and others that i do not need anymore. I highlighted some directions that i will need to follow in some time and i sent out some astral probes to search for people and connections i need.
Perhaps i will come by. If you notice, just give a passing stranger a smile.

Friday, December 14, 2001

Hitting the floor...
...may be of help sometimes. But it depends on the height, the fall starts from. The fall may be long and slow and perhaps it is so long that you do not know you're falling, anyway. Problem with this: There will be the floor coming along some day. If this day is far from now, the hit will be severe and devastating nonetheless. Or, it will be devastating right because of this. But after all, we do not choose this, that thought is hopefully alleviating the effects...

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Living my live in Babylon
Sometimes i step back and analyze the Situation i am in right now. Last time i did this, i thought about this friend of mine, who seems to have cut the connection after having had different opinions about a minor and for the short time of being relevant quite secondary problem. This was kind of new for me: I know arguments and i know some of the vexatious things that i sometimes do unintentionally. But this time i have no clue what really happened, i guess it was way beneath the surface of this argument. Neither apologies nor just letting some time pass seemed to help. I did all i could do - from a distance there is no forgotten option or hidden hint how to come together again, the only one having a choice now is my friend. I just let the door open. He is welcome.

Saturday, December 08, 2001

It has been a very long time, since i did an classic ritual. So it felt like stopping by at home during this very long journey. It was a very hard part of the journey, these last weeks, and so i thougt about contemplation. Getting in touch again. Telling hello to old friends and older enemies and letting them know, i am still on the road here in this realm of tragic despair, created by the free will of its inhabitants.
The circle closed just with the smoke of the inscent, i sat and asked for the guidance i need right now. I tried to get the water flowing again and i did, as usual, got all requests fufilled. I am paying for all this, of course, in the currency i am always paying: I won't go home to stay for as long as it will be demanded.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

To whom it may concern
"In the end, there's still the word, everywhere, in heaven and it's angels, the earth and the stars, even in the darkest part of the human soul.
It was there the world burned brightest.
And for a moment... i was blinded."

I am not blind anymore. You think you know what kind of magic i am wielding? Think big and you still think far too small. It is not what I am using, it is what I am.
But you will reckognize this soon enough but too late anyway...

Monday, October 01, 2001

Friend will be friends...
When youre in need of love, they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When youre through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends
...right till the end.
- Mercury/Deacon -

Monday, September 17, 2001

Revenge? Why not "an eye for an eye" instead?
Revenge for injustice will lead to way more injustice. Thus, armies and soldiers will not be able to solve the problem, because they are the reason for it. I heard "an eye for an eye" more often these days than ever before. All these people who demand revenge with this biblical reference should realize, what the bible really wants to tell here: "An eye for an eye" means, that a criminal shall make up for the damage he caused, not less and - important - no more. With this law the old folks wanted to end the many neverending bloody and violent familyfeuds. Because of this, it is exactly opposite of the common interpretation "kill those who kill": It explicitely does not call for revenge. "Revenge is mine alone", remember? Actually, its "compensate the victims damage". You may see, how revolutionary this law from thousands of years ago is - the people still don't get it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

This is not the end of the world...
Here is my magical viewpoint of this massive tragedy in New York and Washington yesterday: Yes, the synchronicities are completely shaken up. The future will not be what it would have been two days ago. My headache since noon yesterday tells me, that there is a great forceful change in the energetical, spiritual and human connections. People who know something about geomancy should ask themselves, what effect has this desastrous attack on these two stong symbols, connected to the soul of a whole nation...
On the other hand: When there comes out the darkest in man, there can come out the brightest. It is for every soul to choose, to give in to a dark future of hate and violence or to join the fight for the brightest of futures possible.

Monday, September 10, 2001

pinstruck - virtual curses for every need.
Do you have a lot of people on your nasty list? Let help you get revenge on those unfortunate folks in a completely passive aggressive and anonymous fashion.
Thats what they say on their website. You may send a customisable voodoo curse by mail to your enemy. The most remarkable thing here is that you may send and track your curses with a WAP phone.
For the ones who didnt get it by now: This site is a joke. But a good one.

Friday, August 31, 2001

Magic in cinema: Final Fantasy
Its a nice movie, visually astonishing, but the story remains in clishees and - especially if you know some animes - walked out pathways. The magical aspect is the concept of the earth having a soul and the aggressors being ghosts. The problem with this: Neither of these concepts is vital to the plot. It just could as well be aliens with just a special kind of unknown lifeform instead of ghosts and the earth could just be healed or threatened by some form of energy instead of a planetary soul. So the magical aspect is not as important as it seems. Pity.

Sunday, August 26, 2001

When magic works... works fast and unseen. The changes in reality are hard to reckon if you miss the point when they happen. Afterwards its nearly untraceable, it is just normal behaviour of things, as usual in history. Sometimes you can find the spot where it happened when you have a very sharp eye: When the door was closed five minutes ago and the changes that happened afterwards just could never have happened if the door was not open there must have been a spot in time when someone opened it ...but perhaps you have got the only key.

Thursday, August 23, 2001

Sometimes a wish gets lethal
There was this guy who kidnapped his neighbours little daughter, raped her, tortured her, killed her and finally drove her 100 miles away to burn her in a wood. This case shocked the country and it was the first time i heard the wish "This time I hope they do not only find him - this time i wish he will also be burned, so that he will feel what he has done!" more than one time: I heard this special wish for about 4 weeks in which they looked for the murderer from so many people, spread and multiplied by tv and radio, and i thought "can this wish be so strong?".
It was, i am sure. The murderer finally got heavily burned in an fire accident in his basement. He is in coma now, will never look normal again, if he ever wakes up (what i really would appreciate) and they finally found the evidence for his crime as they searched for the reason of the accident. The child remains dead, but i hear the next wish floating and spreading around: "We hope, that such a thing will happen before the crime, next time."

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Who knows best?
Is there any person who knows better what you want, than yourself? No? This is odd, then why are most of your choices not an expression of your will but just reactions to your environment? When was your last real decision in the biblical sense of using your free will?
You are free and you do not use the freedom. I am sure that this is not your will, is it?

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

The first entry...
What is it, that makes magic magic, i was asked today. My answer is: Its motivation that causes the will, its will that causes the action, its action that causes the result.
With magic, leave the action out: the will causes the result. The action - if taken - is only there to ensure yourself, that it actually were you. But if you would let it just happen, the result would do the same, wouldn't it?
All that brings up new questions: How can i find out the motivation, because i can see that only by being aware of it i may be sure about my will.
Well, this is, what a magician must know best: Himself. His condition. The place in the world he fills right now.