Friday, July 12, 2002

One day in paradise

Yesterday i had one day in paradise. Caused by a heavy migraine i just did not want to think, to listen or see anything at all. I switched off the radio, closed the window and remained in my bed. Awake, but without any deeper thought i held this status of complete disconnection from anything important for one whole day.
And even if my head tried to implode with every move or noise, it was a great relaxing and comforting experience: nothing to do, nothing to think about, just letting the time pass and not even noticing it. Unaware of the world outside, unconscious for any responsibility, floating in a limbo of ignorance i came back to this world and felt: this is what we lost. This was our life in eden, a life we abandoned in exchange for consciousness and development. But sometimes, if we are in heavy pain, we may go back for a short time. I am just not sure why: It could be either a heavenly grace to sustain times of agony, or a mean curse - a bad sardonic lesson because when its over, the burden of life outside of paradise has to be taken again. And then you realize that this self-determined life may be worse than the greatest physical pain.
I can understand these People, who would like just to get back into their pod, dreaming a happy life, chewing on a imaginary steak and humming "Mmh, ignorance is bliss!". They would love to live in the lies of an comfortable hell and kill for it. I have an idea now, why.