Monday, August 19, 2002

Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey

"At times like these there is nothing we can say that can stem the waves of grief, regret and reproach.
Our first duty is to express our love and our deep, deep sympathy to Holly and Jessica's parents, and to watch and weep with them in these dark days.
In the midst of this tragedy, we can only take our hurt and grief at this bewildering tragedy and place it in God's hands, remembering the words of Psalm 23; Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; for thou art with me' remembering that God's unconquerable love, shown to us in Jesus, surrounds Holly and Jessica and their parents. Pray for them."

There is this feeling sometimes, that you may do whatever possible and try to make the stand for humanity and hope and then, you just can't stop thinking, that all this hope is worth just as much as crossing the deep waters with a spoon as paddle. Wrong instrument for an even unreachable goal.
Of course, what matters is, not to let loose in the long term. But it is so tiresome. Sometimes i think of me as a manufacturing defective: I am not half as deteminded and faithful as the kindred ones.