Monday, July 05, 2004

I thought i'd get hard

but it is quite the contrary. Yes, i was angry, especially last year, and i thought, i would have to be more bitter, more determined, more egoistical and more ruthless in the future. But now, I find myself much more settled, much more centered and willing to let things happen, to let people be themselves, to be able to smile and just turn away, when somebody tries to provoke me.
Funny enough, I realize this much later now. It shows, when I see people, who act or react on me in long-established ways. I begin wondering about them, not finding another way, always starting the same repetitive discussions with all the same arguments. They seem to think, there is something to fight about and I realize, when they talk that way, that they are talking to someone completely different. Someone, who isn't me. If some day in the past I really were the person they are adressing, I am glad that I am someone else, now.