Monday, March 04, 2002

It has been a while
but at last we all need a little time to catch some breath and contemplate. In terms of magic the last weeks went well, but without new challenges or highlights. This is a nice change for me after the harder times that lie behind. And i will certainly not complain about it. I even had time for some new projects that will certainly not please these hypocrite "i am big cheese" magickians and "my knowledge has to be secret for your own safety" high-priests.
Just having seen, that one of these people has been proven to steal all his answers from other internet sites pretending that this knowledge is his very own (he even did not change the sentences of copyrighted material) in an online forum shows me, that people are quite aware and alerted. This is very encouraging. Of course, the direct followers and friends are griping now trying to call the claims down to be a exaggerated peccadillo, but even with doing this they just show their shiftlessness. Down from his pedestal he fell - thats what everybody could see.